Showing posts with label vim commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vim commands. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Vi Editor Series III

Below commands must be used in visual mode (ctrl+v)

  • Type  dw  to delete a word.
  • Type  d$   to delete to the end of the line.
  • Press  a  to append text.
  • Type  %  to find a matching ),], or } .
  • Type  :s/vlsispace_old/vlsispcae_new/g  to substitute ‘vlsispace_new‘ for ‘vlsispace_old‘ in the line
  • Type   :%s/vlsispace_old/vlsispcae_new/g  to change every occurrence in the whole file.
  • Type  :!     followed by an external command to execute that command.
  • CTRL+R a few times  to redo the commands.
  • Type CTRL+g to show your location in the file and the file status.
  • Type  CTRL+G  to move to a line in the file.
  • Press  G  to move you to the bottom of the file.
  • Type  gg  to move you to the start of the file.
  • Type  a  to insert text AFTER the cursor.
  • Type  A  to insert text after the end of the line.
  • Type a capital  R  to replace more than one character.
  • yw  yanks one word.
  • y  operator to copy text and  p  to paste it 
  • Type  o  to open a line BELOW the cursor and start Insert mode.    Type  O  to open a line ABOVE the cursor.
  • The  command moves to the end of a word.
  • Typing “:set xxx” sets the option “xxx”.  Some options are:
    • ic‘ ‘ignorecase’       ignore upper/lower case when searching
    • is‘ ‘incsearch’        show partial matches for a search phrase
    • hls‘ ‘hlsearch’        highlight all matching phrases
    •  You can either use the long or the short option name.
  • Prep-end “no” to switch an option off:   :set noic
  •  Vim has a comprehensive on-line help system.  To get started, try one of  these three:
    • press the <HELP> key (if you have one)
    • press the <F1> key (if you have one)
    • type   :help <ENTER>
  •  You can find help on just about any subject, by giving an argument to the  “:help” command.
    • :help w
    • :help c_CTRL-D 
    • :help insert-index 
    • :help user-manual 
    • :help vimrc-intro
  • There is a variable in VIM runtime..
    • $VIMRUNTIME/  ==> we can refer to this if want to know any vim  versions etc..
  • Command line completion with CTRL-D and <TAB>


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